Tuesday, February 3, 2009

An-My Lê (Robert C. May Lecture Series)

An-My Lê
M-246 Semi Automatic Weapon, Khawr Al Amaya Oil Terminal, Iraq, 2007
archival pigment prints
Edition of 5
40 x 56 1/2

At the University of Kentucky we are privileged with the funds to bring four contemporary photographers in each semester to present a lecture on their work and hang a small show in the University Museum.

An-My Lê was the first of the two spring semester lectures...
She recieved her MFA From Yale in the 90's and has shown everywere including the coveted MOMA!

As an artist, and not a critic... i'll spare you my opinion of the quality of her work and just say that the obvious Hiroshi Sugimoto reference was an interesting one to me, and conceptually this work and his seascapes are so very different. Check her work out via the g-OO-gle.

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